codependency and abandonment issues

and although the loss of physical closeness can lead to emotional abandonment, the reverse isn’t true. that includes empathy and respect for their child’s personality, feelings, and needs – in other words, not merely loving a child as an extension of the parent. if the relationship ends, even more fears of abandonment and intimacy can be created. it requires either the good fortune to be in a loving relationship, or more often, therapy is required to heal the wounds of …

childhood trauma and intimacy issues

if you’ve experienced trauma during the first years of your life, you might look at and experience adult relationships in a certain way. so, in general, the older you are when trauma occurs, the less it may impact your future relationships. many other factors are at play, like the intensity of the trauma, how long you were exposed to it, and how often it occurred. people with this attachment style may crave the attention and love from their significant others …

father and daughter bad relationship

i think we need to first understand that the bond we create in all of our adult relationships with me and women, depends from those first two relationships with our mother and father. it was overlooked as a major influence on a child’s development and quality of life, as is the impact our relationship with our fathers have on our own mothers. because our father is the first real bridge that connects children to the external world and all the …

commitment phobia in relationships

but for some, the idea of committing — whether it be to a new job or a new relationship — brings on intense feelings of fear and an urge for avoidance. this is commitment phobia and it goes beyond what some people call “commitment issues.” the uncertainty of what awaits after making a big decision can make some people feel unsure about what steps to take next. someone living with it can experience high anxiety and panic attacks even thinking …

abandonment anxiety in relationships

the first step may be to get to the root of your fear of being abandoned and gain a deeper understanding of yourself that helps you form secure and meaningful connections with others. if fear of abandonment plays a big role in your life or the life of a loved one, it can show up in how you manage your emotions and behaviors. when fear of abandonment overlaps with a personality disorder, your relationships might be more severely affected. childhood …