breakup boost relationship advice

when it comes to breakups and relationship issues, i’ll tell you what you need to hear, not just what you may want to hear. sugarcoating things won’t help you move forward in a positive and healthy direction. …or maybe you just need a good pep talk or someone to talk to who won’t judge you or tell you things like “get over it…it’s their loss…there’s more fish in the sea.” not only that, but friends and family don’t often give …

rejection issues in relationships

awareness of fear makes it easier for you to work on the fear and stop it from destroying your relationships in the future. the risk of being in a relationship is that you have to trust someone else, who may take advantage of it. it is fine to have a degree of jealousy, but if you become suspicious and accuse your partner about their actions without evidence, your relationship may be heading towards an end. you may withdraw from contact …

breakup issues

at the end of the day, you and your partner need to be clear about fundamental decisions like where to live, when and if to have kids, and how to save and spend money—otherwise, the relationship will fall apart. at the beginning of a relationship,  couples tend to be honest and open about their feelings and emotions. “if you want your relationship to last, you need to give up your need to be right and in control all of the …

breakup family problems

when a family breaks up, it is difficult for everyone involved. family relationships change as a result of the split and there is often a lot of adjusting to do. this is especially true if you have to move from your area and change schools – and if you are worried about losing touch with your friends. you might feel the need for time and affection from both your parents, or the need for more independence from them. if you …

breakup advice for the dumpee

we can also control our behavior to a degree and might even think we can rationalize an outcome from the breakup without any pain or hurt.â  if you’re in the first few hours or days of a breakup and you think this is going to be easy, and it’s all a breeze. as long as you’re in denial, you will not move into a period of no-contact, and so neither can you begin the recovery process.â  â â  for most …