best dating advice for guys

if you’re worried this person will think you’re a dickhead for calling too soon, then 1) they sound a bit dim so maybe you shouldn’t call at all and 2) try to make a joke or gesture of it. doing it in person when you’ve not been together long prolongs the agony and makes or more of a drama than it needs to be. i know some people really love being kept on their toes for three hours solid but …

first dating tips for guys

you’re asking her to commit to spending a few hours with you, and that puts a lot of pressure on her – especially if the two of you end up not hitting it off. when you’re choosing the location, keep in mind where you want the date to end. you may even want to keep a date outfit handy at the office. but if you behave on a date how you would when you’re with your bros drinking beer and …

gay dating tips for guys

what are you bringing to the table, and how are you presenting yourself? you can have preferences and standards, and be open to a wider range of gay men. now, there are gay dating apps that cater to men with a range of relationship preferences. even if looks aren’t the most important in your quest to meet gay men, your pictures are a key part of your experience in online dating. if you want to meet men who are quickly …

best dating tips

and while the practice of matchmaking goes way back (and may even give you flashbacks to your middle school chorus’ rendition of the fiddler on the roof song) — we’re certainly still seeing matchmaking reinvent itself in today’s dating scene. from not being afraid to go on a couple of bad dates to talking about your exes on a first date (yes, it can be a good thing! — stefanie safran, matchmaker at stef and the city “contrary to common …

dating tips for older guys

if you’re dating – or thinking about dating – an older man, you may be concerned about keeping his interest. in fact, you may find that dating an older man is actually easier than dating a man your age who is less mature than you. since an older man may have a broader perspective on life simply because he is more experienced, you can ask him questions that a younger man might find threatening. by asking him about important decisions …