solving issues in a relationship

finally, the one thing that is absolutely crucial for a healthy change to occur when a relationship is having problems—is for both people to have the willingness to change and identify their own blind-spots that get in the way of working things out. instead, learn to sit down as an adult, and talk about what the solution might be; think and act as you do at work when a problem. relationships trigger all that is unhealed and staying in to …

avoiding problems in a relationship

don’t forget to remind your partner during times of conflict that you are on the same side. there is a part of your brain that helps you reason and use logical thinking and there’s a part of your brain that feels emotions. the challenge however, is that while your partner can hear about your feelings when you speak, it’s often hard to have him actually feel what you are feeling. when you’re having trouble expressing to your partner how you …

compatibility issues in a relationship

if you have recently found yourself questioning whether your partner is really your soulmate, here are a few signs that the two of you may actually be incompatible. in the beginning, you may be able to overlook the differences and still have fun. try to introduce a variety of different activities that the two of you can do together. if it still doesn’t work, it might be time to reevaluate your relationship and move on. but if you are just …

libra woman in a relationship

she will charm you right off the bat with just her smile alone and has the tendency to make new friends wherever she goes. it can be difficult for her to truly know what she wants and to vocalize it, which is why she struggles with making decisions. she seeks a relationship that is balanced and stable, and there won’t be too much fighting due to her understanding of her partner’s views. they are the peacemaker in situations, wanting to …

underlying issues in a relationship

do you feel that you have never felt love, and you are just putting on a show of being in love? whether you do this because of a troubled childhood or an abusive past relationship, it will keep on affecting your relationships. it’s not easy for many people to fall in love, but if you think you can’t develop a crush on someone, consider the following underlying issues. it creates trust issues, and you pull away from people when they …