abandonment issues in marriage

someone struggling with abandonment issues may experience the effects of love relationships predominantly as they are intimate and require vulnerability. in this article, we’ll discuss how to overcome abandonment issues and how you can help someone with such issues so that they can have a healthy relationship. if you do not acknowledge and admit your deep-seated feeling, you can repeat a cycle of choosing the wrong mates ultimately leading to settling in an unhappy marriage. if you answered yes these …

jealousy issues in marriage

this leads to an escalating cycle of anger which is used as further evidence by the jealous spouse that her suspicions are correct. for a person to learn to control jealousy, it is first important to understand what underlies the irrational thinking. the more you are aware of your behaviors and other’s behavior that may maintain the beliefs, then you will be able to make better choices that can allow you to control the jealousy. however, what you need to …

emotional issues in marriage

hallmarks of emotional neglect in a marriage are a lack of emotional support and failing to meet your partner’s needs. we discuss common signs to be on the lookout for and we also share a few tips for coping with emotional neglect in a marriage. some common signs of emotional neglect in a marriage are: the specific causes of emotional neglect may vary from one relationship to the next, but the overarching theme is a shift or transfer in the …

emotional abandonment in marriage

realize that if it’s a sudden abandonment, there likely is some precipitating event or incident between the two of you that needs to be resolved. this forgiveness step is based on a desire to re-unite, to re-engage and to fight for the marriage. treat them like something precious to you and like you chose wisely in the first place. you need to both talk and have fun. looks over the 6 causes of emotional detachment as listed above and come …

no trust in marriage

trust is a cornerstone of marriage. trust is not only important for the health of our relationship but also for our physical health. he found that the number one issue for couples was trust and betrayal. during his study, social psychologists asked people in relationships, “what is the most desirable quality you’re looking for in a partner when you’re dating?” the number one response was trustworthiness. trust is created in the small moments. “in any interaction, there is a possibility …