7th date advice

somewhere between the first few butterfly-inducing dates and the committed-for-life stage, there’s the period of wondering if you’re both on the same page about how serious you feel about a future together. he takes you on nondrinking dates. but the beginning of a relationship tends to be pretty socially lubricated, so when he starts asking you to hang out in broad daylight without a beer, he’s getting comfortable with you. in the beginning, he asks, “what are your plans for …

7th date expectations

once a second date is agreed to, there are five basic principles that should govern the first phase of the dating relationship (the first 5-6 dates or so) in order for it to grow in a healthy direction and at a healthy pace. neither the man nor the woman should have a right (or any sort of entitlement) to the other person because they have not entered into any sort of formal commitment to one another. the man and the …

relationship after 10 dates

that you and your love interest are both working full-time jobs, it’s likely that you won’t be able to get out for a date until the weekends, right? that might be a sign of things to come so consider that you might not want to be at someone’s beck and call in a relationship. and when you both decide that moving forward in a relationship is what is right for you, don’t put a lot of pressure on the situation. …

relationship day

this is the best time to confess your feelings to that special someone the old-fashioned way- exchanged your most prized possession, the diary. the most celebrated day in the love calendar, couples from around the world celebrate this day with the ones they love. whoever wished to confess their love on this day may prepare a little gift to profess their love. they should receive a gift from the person whom they confessed their love to on this day. if …

5 years marriage problems

not all couples realize that effort from both partners is needed in family life. a study from slater and gordon lawyers identified which year of marriage is the happiest and which is the hardest. in reality, after 3 years in a relationship, people are more inclined to accept their partner’s weaknesses and, thus, feel more comfortable. it is also common that in the 3rd year of family life a couple decides to have a baby. it is the 3rd year …