7 year relationship not married

and i’m sorry to say that mine is not one of them. he looked at me and told me that we had all the time in the world, and there was no need to rush into anything. except, now, failure would mean more than misspelling the word “raspberry.” it would mean that i would have to start all over – at 30 – and become one of those women i read about in chick lit. i wanted to have the …

8 year relationship not married

asheville therapists jennifer gural and jonathan esslinger answer readers’ questions to help with the language of love and loss. i have come to a point that i want to be married and hopefully in a few years start a family. to me, marriage is an important institution and i do not want to have children out of wedlock. you have to choose between an institution that you value for your future versus a healthy, loving relationship that you have now. …

6 year relationship problems

anne, i am in a relationship with a man that i am living with. i want to get married at this point. i recently quit my job and went to law school. i want to leave him, however, so far i have not had the strength. 6 years is a long time to be in a stagnant relationship, but you shouldn’t feel alone. as far as i can tell, there is no specific explanation for men who are hesitant to …

6 year relationship advice

i know people and relationships are different, but this is something that has kept the romance and spark alive for us in the past 6 years. traveling is a powerful way to revive a relationship and keep things interesting. as a couple, you should make time to laugh and have fun. i like to think happiness is in the details. i’m not saying that you need to run away in order to have a healthy and happy relationship. ???? the …

5 year relationship problems

five years (it’s more like 4â½ plus a bit, really) is not very long, and yet it is quite a while, too. it is about the entire lifespan of a guinea pig, for one thing, including gestation. except nothing really comes from nothing, and being in a long-term relationship makes that clearer than perhaps anything else, with the possible exception of parenthood. there are no blank slates, and people who choose to spend their lives together, or some of those …