5 year relationship problems

five years (it’s more like 4â½ plus a bit, really) is not very long, and yet it is quite a while, too. it is about the entire lifespan of a guinea pig, for one thing, including gestation. except nothing really comes from nothing, and being in a long-term relationship makes that clearer than perhaps anything else, with the possible exception of parenthood. there are no blank slates, and people who choose to spend their lives together, or some of those …

5 common relationship problems

similarly, i always thought that turning up fashionably late to a meetup with friends was fine and that they’d be compassionate about my necessity for an extra hour in bed. but if you take a couple of minutes to stop & think about your own life, i can bet that you’ve probably experienced something similar. instead, use this as a moment to assume accountability and create the relationship you truly deserve. and so whenever you find yourself about to enter …

5 years marriage problems

not all couples realize that effort from both partners is needed in family life. a study from slater and gordon lawyers identified which year of marriage is the happiest and which is the hardest. in reality, after 3 years in a relationship, people are more inclined to accept their partner’s weaknesses and, thus, feel more comfortable. it is also common that in the 3rd year of family life a couple decides to have a baby. it is the 3rd year …

5 years relationship advice

thus, in celebration of our love, i’m thrilled to share the most pivotal lesson i’ve learned and actively applied in our relationship. are you on the same page about money, moving in together, children, and lifestyle choices? it’s important to continue these small romantic gestures that made your significant other fall in love with you in the first place. by staying true to your existing values and interests, you will always have something new to share with your partner at …

6 year relationship problems

anne, i am in a relationship with a man that i am living with. i want to get married at this point. i recently quit my job and went to law school. i want to leave him, however, so far i have not had the strength. 6 years is a long time to be in a stagnant relationship, but you shouldn’t feel alone. as far as i can tell, there is no specific explanation for men who are hesitant to …