resolving conflict in marriage

a look at three “conflict blueprints” to help you and your partner constructively manage conflict around unsolvable problems. their research findings emphasize the idea that couples must learn to manage conflict rather than avoid or attempt to eliminate it. let’s look at three “conflict blueprints” to help you and your partner constructively manage conflict around unsolvable problems. based on game theory, a mathematical model that describes how to manage conflict and improve cooperation with others, this blueprint stresses that both partners put off persuasion tactics until each one can state their position clearly and fully. the speaker should focus on using a softened start-up, stating feelings by using “i” statements, and asking for needs to be met in a positive and respectful way. this blueprint focuses on discussing past emotional injuries, often known as triggers, that occurred prior to or during the relationship.

the goals are to gain comprehension of each other’s perspective and to acknowledge that regrettable incidents are inevitable in long-term relationships. these five steps are from the gottmans’ aftermath of a fight or regrettable incident booklet. overall, the couple has made peace on the issue and they agree to disagree. those couples who successfully navigate a recurring problem in their relationship have learned to express acceptance of their partner’s personality, and they can talk about and appreciate the underlying meaning of each other’s position on the issue. fortunately, we have real science that helps couples learn how to manage such conflicts and keep their love alive and well. click here for more detailed information on dealing with conflict and for tips and exercises designed to improve your relationship. she also blogs on, huffington post and dr. oz’s sharecare.

conflict is inevitable but we can grow and learn to handle it in healthy ways. here are seven strategies that we have found to be very helpful in pursuing peace and reconciliation when there is a misunderstanding or conflict in our marriage. actually, giving the benefit of the doubt and not jumping to conclusions is great advice for any relationship. different personalities, perspectives, and priorities can lead to small conflicts in a marriage. we can preserve the peace by choosing to overlook small slights and annoyances.

it also leads to more lasting resolution because you are getting to the root of the conflict and you can make more effective changes. practice the habit of taking a step back to consider what the bigger picture is in your life and in your spouse’s. not only is it unwise to dwell on conflict and hold in feelings of anger or frustration or pain, we are commanded not to do so. grace is what we want for ourselves and it is what we should offer to each other. but everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.james 1:18-19 make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

step one: resolving conflict requires knowing, accepting, and adjusting to your differences. step three: resolving conflict requires pursuing the other person. no judging or arguing, and don’t give advice or try to solve the problem. show genuine interest in what your partner is telling you, and allow them enough time approach communication in marriage with a problem-solving attitude. do not try to drive home a point, defensively. recognize and acknowledge, .

be willing to take responsibility for what you are doing, admit it, apologize and move toward a resolution. when both partners are willing to do this, it can spend quality time together. don’t let months or years of marriage make you lose sight of the reasons you married your spouse. make a habit of going on dates, deal with it don’t take the bait explain the impact of the behavior and express your expectations ask questions to draw your spouse into dialogue let go of, . how to resolve conflict in your marriage.have an open mind. commit to solving the conflict or problem you have. pay attention and listen when your spouse is talking. identify the root cause of the conflict. take responsibility for your actions and emotions. be willing to forgive your spouse, or ask for forgiveness.

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