narcissist and second marriage

here is how a narcissist handles a remarriage. narcissists usually get remarried as a way to improve their image and supplement their sense of self worth. this is what you need to know when you marry a divorced narcissist — narcissist use marriage and relationships as a way of obtaining status and prestige in their community. so, a narcissist will remarry to increase their access to the type of emotional “supply” that they need from other people. being a husband or a wife gives a narcissist the excuse they need extract the praise and affecting that they feel the world owes them in a way that is likely to look and feel natural to the rest of the world. narcissists have a serious psychological condition which makes it difficult for them to tell the truth or have empathy for others. never marry a narcissist expecting them to change, even in the promise they will.

this is a symptom of their condition. it is certainly possible to love a narcissist, support them through their troubles, and forgive them for their abuse. we do not control who we love, and one of the most powerful things we can do as a human is love unconditionally. our responsibility as the people that love them is to try to mitigate the damage they cause in the relationship, understand that they are wounded individuals, and love ourselves enough to set definitive boundaries. narcissists rarely get better as a consequence of marriage. divorcees with narcissists tend to be overly dramatic and hostile. as a former victim of a psychopath in my life, i wrote this site to help everyone overcome issues with psychopathic people in their life.

how useful a person will be to him is the measure of their worth. from the narcissist that i know, they can maintain a second marriage if the new spouse is a giver and feeds the narcissist constantly. i don’t know the narcissists new wife, but was friends with his first wife and she was a total door mat to him. i was recovering from the loss of a parent and was physically and mentally in very bad shape. he’s much closer to her in age and looks than i am – more of a trophy good catch. we were together for 4 years and married for 1. i was his 4th wife and less than 1 year after our divorce he had remarried on to wife #5. i had a terrible accident which left me temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. my sister is now on her 4th marriage and she is a difficult person to understand. i was the second wife to a narcissist. i get pregnant with daughter number 2. get my tubes tied the day she is delivered in 2011. was hard now a year later i thank god for sending the whore to my life and freeing myself from an excuse of a man who lied took my money and treated me like dirt.thank you one of the hardest things about recovering from divorce from a narcissist is the “how did i not see this reality? it finally got so bad i had to leave and counselors told me that he had clear signs of sociopathic behaviors. i want to let all this go- but i get brain buzz when i’m with all the kids- like at christmas and with this news of his engagement, i’m stunned. isn’t is funny that i’m not the one who rushed out and jumped into another marriage….. this… my ex was engaged a month after i moved out… we were still working on our marriage… at least years what he said. they actually were in on it together waiting for her to close on her house so he could leave me and move in with her. she got him a car he takes his children to their moms and they go on vacation. we tried, or i should say i tried, and i could tell it seemed like to me he was living a different life. of course she told me right after that it was the first time ever she had let a man orgasm in her mouth and swallowed, without me asking.

i was mad of course, and she called him in front of me and said she cannot see or talk to him again. i asked her are just you and the girlfriend going and she and she said yes, just the two of them. sure, i would love to know what was real, and what was her just trying to make me jealous, but in the end, who cares. sure, i would love to know what was real, and what was her just trying to make me jealous, but in the end, who cares. i was married to a narc and dealt with a lot of dark things from this man. i believe now that he got bored or i was not filling his supply like the excitement of a new relationship and he had to quickly get that addiction met so he didn’t feel bad. he is trying desperately to get me and my now five year old son (who is his only child) out of the house. he was a tenant of mine and was dating someone when i met him. it took him a month to get me to go out with him and he moved in with me shortly thereafter. i knew what he was – but we were older and i thought he would be fun. he had destroyed my reputation to his family who would not speak to me for the entire time we were married. turned my life upside down but and i am so glad i had the strength to leave and know i deserve better my mother is a narcissist, told me shortly after my father passed of cancer how she’d not only lost her husband, lover and confidenant (less than a year before telling a 13 yr old me she was planning on leaving him). he mentioned his ex wife and son, so i knew he had at least been married in the past. i was expecting them to be very affectionate and in love, since they were only 12 months into the ‘honeymoon period’. i know how perceptive children are, and if she is even a fraction as abusive towards him as she is towards her husband, then i really feel for the kid. by the time we were in the process of a divorce he had not only one gf but two (that i know of). he was cheating with many women before her and i knew who he was seeing but this one was new.

narcissists usually get remarried as a way to improve their image and supplement their sense of self worth. you can never expect a narcissist to narcissists often rush into marriage and then a remarriage. if narcissists are afraid of intimacy and commitment, why and what would possess how long does a narcissist second marriage last?, narcissist divorce rate, narcissist divorce rate, how long can a narcissist stay married, what kind of woman does a narcissist marry, narcissist regrets divorce.

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