monogamous gay

last week, several lgbtq-focused publications reported on a study that claims an overwhelming majority of younger gay men desire monogamy in their relationships, with some 86 percent of couples surveyed claiming to be monogamous and 90 percent of single men “seeking monogamy.” though the study was published in 2016—an important detail seemingly lost in all the blog aggregation calling it “new”—its headline results have nonetheless generated much discussion. in the case of a study looking at relationships, monogamy, and marriage, it is not difficult to imagine that those with a particular investment in these institutions would be overrepresented.

in fact, the authors present findings elsewhere in the study that suggest one-quarter of these “monogamous” participants admitted to engaging in sex with others while in a monogamous partnership. instead, they attribute the contrast to a profound shift in attitudes, citing comments from an open-ended response portion of the study as evidence of larger forces that underlie this shift.

assuming isomorphism between heterosexual and homosexual relationships may preclude a contextual understanding of gay male monogamy and extra-dyadic sex when viewed over time, many gay men’s relationships are not static, or firmly fixed to monogamy or non-monogamy. this paper uses in-depth interviews with 61 a large survey conducted through gay dating sites and facebook in australia has found that previous surveys may have overestimated the, .

although some gay men idealise monogamy, particularly in the early stages of a relationship, couples often become non-monogamous over time, the current study explored whether differences in the practice of monogamy or non-monogamy related to the relational health of men in long-term same-sex gay men in monogamous relationships: what works? talk about sex. perhaps we learn from the movies that good sex should just happen immediately and, .

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