marital communication issues

i write and speak about marriage for a living. a few months ago, my wife and i were having a really tough time in our marriage. i’m talking tough to the point where we were questioning some of the things we teach, the things i’ve written about, and the things we speak about. as your communication goes so goes your marriage. we called on a couple who are our marriage mentors, and occasional crisis marriage counselors. and if we didn’t change it our marriage was going to continue to struggle. as your communication goes so goes your marriage. the biggest problem to communication is just not listening. many of our communication problems would go away if we just intently listened to one another. so many times i say things as a reaction, and those times it usually doesn’t go well. take your time and think before speaking and responding to your wife. too many of those conversations and you might be calling your marriage mentors for help as well.

you may need to take a breather to gather yourself, but raising your voice doesn’t serve you or your wife well. maybe you didn’t say anything wrong, but you sure did say something wrong with your negative body language, which can be received worse. you always. ever uttered those words? using these words can be harmful to your marriage. never ever degrade your spouse. degrading her has no place in your marriage. if your wife has trouble complimenting you through her communication, here are 10 she can use to build upon. you are one. talk through it together, find the learning opportunity for her and for you. before you try to get her to understand you, first understand her and her point of view. it just may change your point of view before you even share it. it is a losing strategy when it comes to communication in marriage.

the good news is that with the right tools you can fix communication issues, and communication problems are one of the easiest relationship problems to fix. when you try to guess what your spouse is thinking, you make decisions and react based on information that may just be a figment of your imagination. if you have something important to say, especially if it is a complaint or emotional upset with your spouse, don’t dump without consideration of the other. when you take your spouse into consideration, you are more likely to have your concerns heard and have his/her willingness to engage with you in the future.

while you may feel like you have something valuable to share or may even disagree or feel hurt, when you are listening, it is not the time to respond. if your spouse is sharing his feelings, it is not the time to offer your assessment of the situation unless otherwise asked, even if it is painful for you to hear. it goes without saying that it is important to focus more time on what your spouse is doing right as opposed to focusing on the negative. if you’d like to fix communication problems in your marriage, the best thing you can do is experience our 2 day marriage restoration retreat.

1. emotional invalidation 2. not communicating your needs 3. ignoring bids for connection 4. passive aggressive behavior 5. competitiveness. marriage communication problems are one of the biggest challenges couples face in a marriage. the inability to communicate effectively with when marriage goes wrong, it is easy to think that communication issues are the root cause of the problems, but that is generally not true., how to fix communication issues in marriage, signs of communication issues, signs of communication issues, lack of communication in marriage pdf, how to communicate with a difficult spouse.

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