happy couples

or maybe you’re in the honeymoon stage of a relationship and want to know how to make the good feelings last. happy couples are more present with each other and make an effort to listen and take each other’s needs seriously. they make an effort to validate each other—communicating that a partner’s perspective is understandable and valid, given their personal history or current circumstances. happy couples express affection and appreciation often in words or gestures. unhappy couples don’t exhibit courtesy and sensitivity in the way they treat each other.

they don’t use negative labels or name-calling, and they give their partner the benefit of the doubt and assume goodwill. they put the relationship and family first most of the time, even if they have to sacrifice some things they may enjoy as an individual. when you get excited your partner’s personal, sporting, and professional achievements, or happy events in their families—when you are proud of them and show it—you build the foundations of long-term love. it can also help to deliberately focus on your partner as a sexual being and on what attracts you to them—be it their looks, tone of voice, sense of humor, or kindness. she is a former professor, national speaker, and the author of the stress proof brain.

the secret of all happy couples is that they do things that contribute to their relationship’s health. researchers who study the role of generosity in marriage define it as “the virtue of giving good things to one’s spouse freely and abundantly.” can you pass the remote?” fully acknowledging when things go right for your partner is an important part of a healthy relationship. sex can be an important part of the health and happiness of your relationship.

want to add more positive interactions between you and your partner? empathy is a willingness to experience and understand what your partner is feeling–to step into their shoes, so to speak. start by being fully present and then actively listening to what your partner is feeling at that moment. journal of personality and social psychology, 91(5), 904-917. doi: .org/10.1037/0022-3514.91.5.904 hampson, s. the secret to a happy marriage? doi: /10.1371/journal.pone.0149944 werrbach, m. 3 ways to keep your relationship in the positive perspective.

in happy couples, people actively think about their partner’s happiness. they act thoughtfully, celebrate each other’s successes, and willingly keep your romantic partnership in good working order by talking openly, keeping it interesting and seeking help if needed. these are the relationship secrets that create happy couples, according to research and personal testimony., .

1. communication. the old adage is true: communication is key. 2. quality time. quality time is another key to being a happy couple that can get lost by the and so it goes: if you want a happy romantic relationship, learn from happy couples. it amazes me how many couples are not happy. still, i know a few who are,, .

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