emotional intimacy in friendships

emotional intimacy is a universal component of interpersonal relationships. we feel a degree of emotional intimacy with our parents, best friends, professors, coaches and significant others. by emotional intimacy, i specifically mean the “perception of closeness to another that allows sharing of personal feelings, accompanied by expectations of understanding, affirmation, and demonstration of caring.”  emotional intimacy is highly dependent on trust between individuals. unfiltered sharing of one’s true self undoubtedly leads to feelings of closeness which can be expressed via verbal and nonverbal cues. because trust can be achieved in the context of any interpersonal relationship, it is natural to question whether the nature of this trust would differ in a platonic versus a romantic relationship.

but there are many types of intimacy, and emotional intimacy can undoubtedly be achieved without sexual intimacy. while both intellectual intimacy (closeness associated with sharing ideas and thoughts), and experiential intimacy (closeness achieved by being involved in mutual activities), can be achieved in platonic and romantic relationships alike, sexual intimacy is unique to romantic relationships. trust and comfort with a romantic partner can come from sexual encounters but can also be built up through sharing expectations and desires, or working out conflicts within the relationship. they can help couples improve communication, learn conflict resolution skills, and work together to build a healthier relationship. working with a clinician individually may help you to know what you want or need, and how to communicate that to your partner(s) or in other relationships, romantic or otherwise.

does the idea of being emotionally intimate sound amazing or scary to you? as a result, they become loners or social butterflies that flit from one encounter to another, collecting acquaintances but no real friendships. it’s the difference between having a burger versus an avocado salad for lunch. if you carry such fear, be assured that it’s possible to get rid of the fear. you can experience the exquisite joy of connecting with another person emotionally, intellectually and spiritually – that endeavor we call intimacy. they are the people who love and accept us for who we are. when you learn to be mindful, fully aware of yourself, you can be authentic and open with others. “intimacy simply means that the doors of the heart are open for you, you are welcome to come in and be a guest. then there is no fear of intimacy.” ~ osho if you long for intimacy, you have to be willing to drop your defenses, repressions, and inhibitions and be vulnerable.

but if there are scars and wounds that you’re trying to hide, these will need to be healed and mended. you accept that you don’t have to be perfect. you no longer lose respect, greatness, or ego, because you’re not focused on those things any longer. lasting friendships grow from having a common interest or shared passion. and your differences in opinion and outlook bring richness to the friendship. look at the friends or acquaintances you already have and see if there isn’t someone you’d like to get to know better on a deeper level. remember, intimacy takes willingness to be vulnerable, to share yourself and risk hurt and rejection. if you’re struggling with how to build intimate relationships, please check out the women in leadership retreat that my intimate friend nando raynolds and i are leading on may 20 and 21. we can work with you on this particular goal. i invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services.

friendships are a great source of emotional support, advice, and good times. you may find that you feel close and intimate with someone without a loving marriage and good friendships can coexist if you are careful and cognizant of not crossing emotional and physical boundaries. physical intimacy between friends, . platonic intimacy, is basically what it sounds like: the intimacy you’d have with a partner,, emotional intimacy with guy friend, emotional intimacy with guy friend, levels of intimacy in friendship, female friendship intimacy, physical intimacy between friends.

so what is emotional intimacy? from breaking the male code: unlocking the power of friendship: emotional intimacy is the experience of being deeply connected to another person who knows and understands your most important feelings and who shares his or her own with you. by emotional intimacy, i specifically mean the “perception of closeness to another that allows sharing of personal feelings, accompanied by platonic intimacy goes deeper than everyday ‘small talk’. it takes time. lasting friendships grow from having a common interest or shared passion. it’s not that according to psychology today, this is when one partner is emotionally intimate, and in close friendship with someone outside the relationship. they may also be, can you have an emotional connection with a friend, platonic intimacy between man and woman, intimate friendships, what is an emotional friendship, intimate friends example, intimacy with your best friend, platonic intimacy examples, platonic friendship intimacy, emotional cheating vs friendship reddit, intimacy friendship quotes. how to nurture intimacy in any relationshipmake it a point to show your appreciation. make an effort to learn about each other. set aside time for each other. unplug and focus on each other. show physical affection (even without sex) tackle a project together. talk about what intimacy means to you.

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