dear john relationship advice

it’s not that i am a prude but i’ve been hurt before when sex happened early on in the relationship. i have been dating my current boyfriend, the stud, for a couple of months and we are exclusive. so in the face of these conflicting possibilities, you should listen to the one person who knows what’s best for you: you. for the past six months, i have worked closely with a man from our office in japan – he has been working in the us on a project our office is taking the lead on. he wants to try to make our relationship work, but when i ask how that would be possible when we’re at opposite ends of the globe, he doesn’t really have an answer for me.

and i’m so sad at the thought of him leaving, i just don’t have the heart to feel optimistic. to answer your question, yes, what you’re considering is possible, but only in the sense that it doesn’t break any laws of physics. your only real hope lies in finding ways to be in each other’s presence, but with him in japan and you in the us, i’m sorry to say that is an obstacle that falls just short of insurmountable. which is an overly stiff way of saying that if i were you, i would probably feel the same annoyance, but since i am not you, i can look at this situation with a niceness that is conspicuously absent when i’m the guy complaining. there’s another possibility altogether here, though, which i offer for your consideration: the next time you’re getting rid of something that you wouldn’t mind occasionally seeing again, perhaps you could bring it to your neighbor and tell him you’re leaving it on the curb and you wanted to give him first dibs on it.

he is a well-respected faculty member in her major and while she wasn’t a student of his at the time, she had taken a couple of his courses. there is such an imbalance in where they are with their lives, not to mention the fact that as her teacher, he is in a position of so much superiority over her that to me, it seems almost predatory for him to be abusing his position over her in this way. i’m writing because she just told me she is going back to school a couple of weeks early so they can have some time together before the semester starts. this is actually my second response to your letter. but then i remembered that donald hall, one of my favorite writers and the poet laureate of the united states, met his late wife jane kenyon while she was a poetry student of his. i work as an assistant to a boss who is generally considered good in his field/job, but he’s difficult. he doesn’t seem to realize that this is a job for the people who work for him, not that it isn’t important, but it’s not their whole life. i am fairly new to the work world  … is this type of thing normal?

i hesitate to describe your boss’ behavior as normal, but i will safely predict that he’s not the last, uh…colorful character you’ll meet in the business world. unless people are involved in illegal or unethical behavior, my workplace advice is usually just to do your job the best you can. instead, learn whatever he has to teach (the good stuff, anyway) and do what i suspect many of your colleagues are doing: wait for the job market to improve. now, we’re both married but my marriage is in the final stages, so i pretty eagerly said yes. but here’s the thing: i really want to see if we can pick up where we left off a while back, and i know for certain her marriage is no great shakes, either, but i feel like we got off on the wrong foot. if you choose the latter course, spend a little time reflecting on why your marriage failed and what you learned from it, both about being married and about yourself. at that point, if you encounter a problem you’d like my advice on, feel free to write to me again. first writer may want to check into the university’s code of ethics, though.

john aiken is a relationship and dating expert featured on nine’s hit show married at first sight. he is a best-selling author, regularly appears on radio john is the dating and relationship expert for 9honey. he answers your weekly questions in the very popular relationship advice segment called dear john. dear john column: mafs expert john aiken gives relationship advice john aiken is a relationship and dating expert featured on nine’s hit show married at first, nine honey relationships, nine honey relationships, relationship news, i went through his phone and found out he was cheating, nine honey family.

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